2025 Florida Planning Conference

Daytona Beach | Sept. 16 - 19


For 2025, we are thrilled to announce that the APA Florida Annual and Conference Sponsorship Program has been updated with opportunities for all organization sizes and budgets.


While several benefits have been added and others revised, the same conference level sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are also still available that will place your brand in front of a captive audience.


Once again this year we will offer a 25% discount for Florida-based minority-, woman- or veteran-owned businesses for annual and conference packages.


Please contact us if you have any questions.



Now is the time to think about presenting at the 2025 Florida Planning Conference! This year’s conference will include two (2) distinct student competitions: multimedia presentation and poster session.


You can submit for the multimedia session, poster session, or both. Your presentation or poster doesn’t have to be completed to submit, and you’re encouraged to submit a working idea.


All that’s needed to apply is a working title, abstract/summary of work, and a faculty endorsement.


Please note: In order to participate, you must be an APA Member in good standing. You can check your status here or sign up for FREE here. 


Every Florida Planning Conference relies on outstanding volunteers to pull together three and a half days of sessions, mobile tours, featured speakers, receptions, and more. If you are interested in helping make these conferences top all state conferences, we welcome you.


FPC25 in Daytona Beach

The Atlantic Coast Section is excited to once again host the annual conference from Sept. 16 – 19 at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach.  They are underway with programming and mobile tour scheduling.

FPC Is Returning to Miami in 2026!

We’re excited to tell you that the 2026 Florida Planning Conference will be held at the InterContinental Miami from Sept. 8 – 11, 2026.


Right now we are forming teams to assist with creating the conference theme and logo, then will start on scouting mobile tour and reception locations. Interest piqued?