Planning Commissioner & Workshop Registration

Planning Commissioner + Workshop Registration

Payment must be received by: Early bird discount

(June 3 – July 12)


(July 13 – Aug. 2)


(Aug. 3 – 19)

Workshop Only $45 $45 $45
Planning Commissioner Tuesday only (attend sessions + Opening Reception) $185 $235 $285
Planning Commissioner Full Conference (includes Tuesday’s workshop)  $460 $540 $590



Should you need to cancel your registration, there will be a $50 fee through Aug. 19 and $100 from Aug. 20 – Aug. 25. No refunds will be granted starting Aug. 26.



Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact the chapter office at 850-201-3272 no later than Aug. 2, 2024. Special accommodations with respect to lodging should be handled directly with the hotel.

Click Here Review Workshop Agenda + Speakers

This all-day training that is ideal for appointed advisory board members, elected officials, utilities, historic preservation or water board members, city clerks, or a local government employee who is eager to learn more about local planning and zoning fundamentals, land use law, future planning trends, and effective public engagement tactics. All positions and backgrounds are welcome.



Merle Bishop, FAICP,  on Implementing Comprehensive Planning Techniques.  Florida planning as it relates to the comprehensive plan and the land development code will be discussed as well as exploring how they are different in their scope. Review processes for local and state planning will be explained, including state and local jurisdictions for roadways. EAR based amendments will be covered along with various topics related to Florida planning.


Navigating Land Use Law Requirements. The legal aspect of planning will be discussed. Bert Harris basics as well as important case law will be discussed as it relates to land use planning. Quasi-judicial versus legislative decisions will be explained. An overview of new legislation will be provided as well as guidance regarding state preemption of local regulations.


Bob Cambric on Inclusive Public Engagement Practices.  The planning board’s role versus the planning staff role will be explored. Best practices for public participation, public hearings and meetings will be explained for both in person and virtual meetings in the post COVID world. Meeting procedures will be explored including explaining Roberts Rules of Order. Finally, the Florida Sunshine Law requirements and the state’s code of ethics will be explained.


Tia Boyd, AICP, on Transportation Planning & Implementation.  The changing nature of transportation and mobility planning will be covered in this session. The role of engineers versus planners, bike and pedestrian planning, transit, connectivity, suburban design, autonomous vehicles, local versus state responsibility and coordination as well as complete streets projects will be explained.


Owen Beitsch, FAICP, Ph.D., on Private Sector Perspectives on Current and Future Planning TrendsA variety of emerging trends in planning will be presented in this session. Architectural design, green infrastructure, low impact development, resiliency, sustainability and land use and planning in a post pandemic world will be covered.